Pick the Ring
Pick the Ring is a game about choosing ring and pushing the ball into that ring. A simple game such as this can be made more complicated with added rules as shown below. In this case, this game will follow rules similar to that of Horse, where players have to imitate each other's moves and depending on how well they are able to accomplish this task, it will determine if they receive a letter or not.
RULES (Single player):
1. Move the ball in any manner possible, and try to get the ball into a ring (the harder it is to get to the ring, the better).
RULES (Multiplayer):
1. The first player gets a chance to move the ball for 1 minute.
2. After the minute is up (or after the player ends their turn):
- if the player has yet to move the ball into a ring, the game is reset (refresh the site). and the other player gets their chance to move the ball for 1 minute and continue with ruleset 2.
- if the player get the ball into a ring, reset and the other player has to move the ball into the same ring.
3. Once first player has made a ball into a ring, the following player must also make the ball into the same ring within the 1 minute limit. If this task is not done within the time limit, they are given a letter.
4. Once a player has been given all the letters: P I C K B A L L
They lose.
Additional Rules to Spice things up:
1. (Choose your own time limit)
2. Players can move through multiple rings, and the following player must move through the same rings and in the same order. If the player doing the move is not in a ring when the time is up, their play is not valid and the turn is passed onto the next player.
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